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Showing posts with the label Habits of rich peoples

Top 7 Habits You Should Develop that will change your life

In this article you will see Top 7 Habits you should develop this year that is going to change your life forever  H abit is the intersection of knowledge  (what to do), skill (how to do), and desire (want to do).- Stephen R . Covey .  Habits shape your life far more than you probably realize. According to The power  of Habit author Charles   Duhigg , habits are an important force that our brains actually cling to because they create neurological  cravings where a certain behavior is rewarded by the release of “pleasure” chemicals in the brain. H abits are a essential part of our life . professional's belive that 90%  of the work we do is habitual . Bad habit's have the potential to destroy you and good habits can help a lot. So here are 10 Habits you should make this year that will improve your life. Table of content : 1) Write your gratitude journal 2) Drink 2 glasses of water , instantly when you wake up 3) Do some exercise  4) Read self help bo...