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Showing posts with the label how calm down when you are angry

Top 7 Tips To Control excessive Anger - Lessons everyday

 In this article i am going to tell you the top 7 tips to control your anger . This article is really gonna help you . Even the most calm and composed person may experience bouts of anger. It is an emotion that arises in desperate times and sometimes even pushes you to find solutions to difficult problems. However, if your anger evolves into aggression and becomes more frequent, it is time to address and resort to ways to control and manage it. That said, here are some tips you can stay calm even when you feel furious. So Here are the top 7 tips to stay calm Table Of Content 1) Count 5 4 3 2 1 And Calm Down 2) Take Deep Breathes 3) Talk To A Trusted Friend 4) Try To Focus On the Positive Part 5) Meditation 6) Listen To Your Favorite Song 7) Go For A Walk Top 7 Tips To Control Anger 1) Count 5 4 3 2 1 And Calm Down This is an excellent method discovered by mel robbins . This method can help you almost anywhere like when feeling angry just count 5 4 3 2 1 and calm down , Whenever you...