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Top 7 Habits You Should Develop that will change your life

In this article you will see Top 7 Habits you should develop this year that is going to change your life forever 

Habit is the intersection of knowledge (what to do), skill (how to do), and desire (want to do).-Stephen R. Covey .

 Habits shape your life far more than you probably realize. According to The power of Habit author Charles Duhigg, habits are an important force that our brains actually cling to because they create neurological cravings where a certain behavior is rewarded by the release of “pleasure” chemicals in the brain.

Habits are a essential part of our life . professional's belive that 90% of the work we do is habitual . Bad habit's have the potential to destroy you and good habits can help a lot.

So here are 10 Habits you should make this year that will improve your life.

Table of content :

1) Write your gratitude journal

2) Drink 2 glasses of water , instantly when you wake up

3) Do some exercise 

4) Read self help books

5) Keep track of the time you waste

6) Make your to~do list.

7) Smile (As much as possible).

Top 7 Habits You should Make This Year

1)Write A Gratitude journal

A gratitude journal is a diary of things for which one is grateful. Gratitude journals are used by individuals who wish to focus their attention on the positive things in their lives. Gratitude, the feeling of appreciation or thanks, has gained a lot of attention in the field of positive psychology.

It helps to reduce stress . It makes you more positive , as when you take time to focus on good things in your life you naturally starts to become more positive. 

2) Drink Two Glasses Of Water , Instantly When You Wake Up

When you wake up you have an empty stomach has many   benefits but the best benefit is that it  helps to reduce  acidity.

Right, after waking up you should instantly go and drink  2 glasses of water to  remove toxins inside  stomach.

3) Do Some Exercise 

There are many benefits doing regular physical exercise like , it reduces stress, it lowers the blood pressure , lowers your blood cholesterol levels , it makes your body more stronger and fitter.

And doing some exercise right after waking up is also very important. This should not be your main workout , as you just have to a little 5 to 10 mins exercise which will do blood circulation to your whole body. Doing some Exercise right after waking up keeps you energetic for the whole day .

Note: Dont do morning workout for more than 30 min or it could have negative effect .

4) Read Self Help Books

If you make a habit of reading books atleast 30 minutes everyday then after some months you will be completely changed your life , relationships will be improved and you will have more money as you will know how to save and invest your money .

You should take 30 minutes in morning and read some good self help books. If you don't know which self help books to read go through this link and find the top 10 self help books to read-

5) Keep Track of The Time You Waste

This is one of the best habits you should make this year . This habit will help you note how much time you waste and i am sure you will be amazed that how much time you waste.

First make a notebook for it then write the date then write how much time you wasted in which useless task and also keep track of your time spent on usefull works.

6) Make your to~do list 

Making your to~do list helps you to remember all the tasks you need to do today . Making to~do list drastically increases the chances that you will complete all the works that is assigned for today.

Take 5 mintute's in the morning and write down every task that you need to do today . Then you could categorise all the more important works from less important works.

7) Smile (As Much As Possible)

Smiling not only offers a mood boost but helps our bodies release cortisol and endorphins that provide numerous health benefits, like , it reduces your blood pressure , it reduces pain and stress , it increases endurance , it strengthens the immune system.

Whenever you are stressed out our in pain just smile . If you angry at someone just smile and forgive him whenever in any type of tension just smile.



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