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7 Gestures To Read Peoples Mind Like FBI Agent - Lessons everyday

 If you want to Read other people by there non - verbal signs then read this full . In this article you will find 7 gestures to know what other person is thinking.

Before knowing those 10 gestures first , keep in mind these things . All the information are taken from a book " What everybody Is Saying " written by an ex-FBI agent JOE NAVARRO. So this information are highly researched and every gesture i am telling works .

Before starting let me tell you , for reading people you need to become a good observer to observe carefully . Know that there of two types of non- verbal's to know what is going on with that person . First is persons own non verbal which means that the non- verbal which belongs to that person or that area only and second type of non - verbal is the non - verbals which every persons do . In this article i am going to tell you this 2 nd type of non verbals .

Top 10 Non Verbal Gestures

1)When a person see's you and  If a person doesn't likes you then they will squint their eyebrows a little bit and if that person likes you then there eyebrows will go up automatically a little bit , you need to notice well as this will just be a small change

2) If the person is bouncing in someway like he is moving his legs up - down with the help of knees while sitting then this means that he / she is very excited. But notice this can also mean he want that the time passes quickly , like students do in class , in their last period .

3) If you go and talk to a person . But, he is not turning his leg towards you he just move's his neck then that means he doesn't wanna talk to you at that movement and you should probably go.

4) If a person's leg is turned towards you then that means the person likes you or he/ she is comfortable with you .

5) If any person is sitting with his leg's crossed then that mean's that the person is fully comfortable with you and the situation.

6) If a person is sitting with his leg's crossed and his one of the crossed legs point towards you then that means the person likes you .

7) If you are talking to someone and he turns one of his legs in the direction of the nearest exit then that means that the person wants to leave and on that direction in which his leg's are pointing.

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