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How to get rich quick realistically - Lessons everyday

Today i am going to tell you how to really get rich quick . These information's are highly researched
"Work your whole young life from 9 - 5 and save a little and invest a bit . Then when you will 67 then you will have enough money to live happily".This is what everyone think that just work for your whole young life then enjoy when you will be old.

Well, what if you die before 67 by something unexpected as no one can ensure that they will life atleast till their 70s.

Okay , lets say you survived till 70's then what , you will like to drive a cool sports car when you will have no energy , you will like to do trip to your favourite destination, will you have energy for that ? So if you want to become rich early then do what others are not doing.


See for making money as fast as possible you need to do the following things, first you need to atleast save 20 % of your income but if you wanna become rich more fast then (we will talk about how will do it later in this blog).

2nd thing you need to do is invest these saved money in a good place where you will get good returns.

You should always look for atleast 12% - 20% profit every year from your investment .

You need work really hard , if you think there is something like get rich quick scheme then you are wrong . Yes you could get rich fast but only if you with really hard for 5 - 6 years .

So now a question arises how to save more money .

How To Save More Money 

First you need to decide how much percentage of your total income then follow the steps. (Well 40% should be your target)

How can I save more money ? well , thats the first question arises in mind . Well for now save only a little amount of your income which you easily save like just 10% . Then next time just save 1 % more means 11 percent and so on increase your saving by this.

But wait i cant save more money really cant ? if thats what you are saying then you should use a trick that Tony Robbins describes in his book Money master the game i.e. work in increasing your income however you can . Then save the extra income.

Where To Invest Your Money

So now the biggest task comes that where to invest your money in . Well if you want to play a little slow and easier then stocks , bonds , FD's are the ones that suit for you.

But if you really want to become rich fast and willing to work really hard then investing in your real estate and your own business will suit for.

See before investing in real estate gather some information from any real estate book or podcast that how real estate works and knowing some rules and principles of it.

If you're thinking on opening your own business then you must read some good books telling how to establish a business and grow it.

Thankyou for reading.

These all information are applicable and are taken from some different books


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