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Improve Your Conversation Skills : Top 7 tips to Make Everyone Like You - Lessons everyday

want to know how to improve your conversation Skills basically how to make everyone like you , then keep reading and find top 7 conversation tips.


If you think everyone hates you , they dont wanna meet you or talk to you then this is because you don't know how to make anyone like you . So i would say it is necessary to learn some conversation skills for learning what makes anyone like you or hate you.

So if you think that everyone hates you then you must read this whole to find out why . Most of the information given in this article are from the book how to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie

Lets see what are the top seven conversation skills that make everyone likes you .

Table Of Content

1) Dont Criticise ,Condemn or complain.

2) Give Honest And Sincere Appreciation.

3) Become Genuinely Interested In Other People.

4) Talk In Terms Of Other Person's Interest.

5) Be A Good Listener.

6) Smile.

7) Avoid Arguments.

8) If You Are Wrong , Admit It.

8 Conversation Skills To Make Everyone Like You

1) Dont Criticise , Condemn Or Complain

Try to remember how many times you have criticised, condemned or complained about somebody in front of them or even with someone else . When i looked into past i found that i am complaining about everything and that time , nobody seems to like me but now, when i have stoped complaning about anyone or anything , everyone seems to respect me . So i would say if you wanna make everyone respect you then stop complaining or criticising . go with this link and see benefits of not condemning, complaning or criticising people

2) Give Honest And Sincere Appreciation

Have you ever appreciated anyone , if yes then you remember how happy they become , well i have appreciated many times in many ways like in cricket or football matches if anyone hits a six or a goal , i would say " Well done friend you are a very good player" . Then you cant imagine how happy they become and play more harder and better.

3) Become Genuinely Interested In Other People

Well if you are talking with someone then try to show them , that you are really interest in that person by asking questions about that person like what dish do you like the most ? Which is your favourite singer and so on .

4) Talk In Terms Of Other Person's Interest

Try to talk in Terms of other persons interest . Weather you like his Interest or not . People doesn't care about your interest . Can you remember someone that talks in terms of your interest , you like talking to that person , right ? So whenever communicating with someone ask their interests and talk in terms of their interests.

5) Be A Good Listener

Can you remember someone ,whom everybody likes to talk and everybody thinks him/her as a great conversationalist. Now carefully try to remember does he speak more , you will notice he just ask questions and listen carefully to others . So if you wanna be a good conversationalist then become a good listener

6) Smile 

Smile . Whenever you see any person and smile then this makes the other person know that you like him . So now do an exercise , that whenever you see someone ( that could be anyone) then smile to them . 

7) Avoid Arguments

To get the best of an argument is to avoid one . Dont get into an argument try to avoid it . Never do arguments with someone with something unnecessary . So try to avoid arguments. Read this to know how to avoid arguments

8) If You Are Wrong Admit It

If you are wrong Admit it quickly , emphatically , this will make other person defend you and they will try to prove themselves wrong and will try to prove you right. Just go and try.

Try to apply all these tips , of you will apply all these tips you will definately be liked and respected .

So always try to apply these tips.

go and visit my amazing website


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